Common visual English word explanation for machine vision

The vocabulary is designed to confuse readers with common words and specialized vocabulary. The following definitions are consistent with the general usage of digital image processing, but are by no means a standardized definition in the art. They are generally consistent with the definitions of related words in published image processing and computer technology books.


Algebraic operaTIon Algebraic operation An image processing operation that includes the sum, difference, product, and quotient of the pixels corresponding to the two images.

Aliasing (aliasing) An artificial trace produced when the image pixel spacing is too large compared to the image detail.

Part (2) of the Arc arc (l) diagram represents a collection of pixels of a connected curve.

Binary image A binary image has only two levels of grayscale digital images (usually 0 and 1, black and white).

Blur blurs the sharpness of the image due to defocus, low-pass filtering, camera motion, and so on.

Border Border The first, first, or column of an image.

Boundary chain code A boundary sequence that defines the direction of an object's boundary.

Boundary pixel An internal pixel that is adjacent to at least one background pixel (comparison: external pixel, internal pixel).

Boundary tracking An image segmentation technique that detects arcs by sequentially exploring them from one pixel to the next along the arc.

Brightness A point-dependent value of an image representing the amount of light emitted or reflected from an object at that point.

The Change detecTIon change detection technique is used to compare the pixels of two matching images by subtraction and the like to detect the difference of the objects therein.

Class class model or class.

Closed curve A curve that ends at one point.

Cluster A collection of points in a cluster that are in close proximity in space (such as in a feature space).

Cluster analysis The detection, measurement, and description of clusters in space.

Concave If an object is "concave", it means that there are at least two points inside the object, and the connection cannot be completely contained inside the object (the antonym is convex).

Connected is connected.

Contour encoding An image compression technique that encodes a region with uniform grayscale and only encodes its boundaries.

Contrast The degree to which the average brightness (or grayscale) of a contrast object differs from the surrounding background.

Contrast stretch extends a linear grayscale transform.

Convex A convex line that connects any two points inside an object falls inside the object.

ConvoluTIon Convolution An operation that combines two functions to produce a third function, which convolves the operation of a linearly shift-invariant system.

ConvoluTIon kernel convolution kernel (1) a two-dimensional array of digital image convolution filters; (2) a function of convolving with an image or signal.

A continuous path of the curve (1) space; (2) a set of pixels representing a path (see arc, closed curve).

Deblurring Deblurring (1) An operation that reduces image blurring and sharpens image detail; (2) Eliminates or reduces image blurring, usually a step in image restoration or reconstruction.

Decision rule In pattern recognition, it is used to assign objects in an image with a certain amount of rules or algorithms. This assignment is based on the feature metric of the object.

Digital image (1) represents an integer array of scene images; (2) a two-dimensional or higher-dimensional sampled and quantized function generated by successive images of the same dimension; (3) in a rectangle (or other A grid that samples a continuous function and quantizes the array at the sample point.

Digital image processing The digital processing of images; the operation of image information by a computer.

Digitization The process of digitizing a scene image into a digital form.

The edge of the Edge (1) is the region where the gray scale is abrupt in the image; (2) the set of pixels belonging to an arc, and the pixel on the other side has a significant grayscale difference.

Edge detection An image segmentation technique that identifies edge pixels by examining the neighborhood.

Edge enhancement An image processing technique that sharpens the edges of an image by enlarging the contrast of the pixels on either side of the edge.

Edge image Edge image Each pixel in the edge image is either labeled as an edge or non-edge.

Edge linking An image processing technique that joins edge pixels into edges in an edge image.

Edge operator A neighborhood operator that marks the edges of pixels in an image.

Edge pixel The pixel at the edge of the pixel.

Enhance enhances contrast or subjective visibility.

Exterior pixel The pixel in the binary image that is outside the object (relative to the inner pixel).

False negative In two types of pattern recognition, misclassification of objects belonging to objects that are not objects.

False positive is misunderstanding in two types of pattern recognition, which is not misclassified as belonging to an object.

A property of a feature object that can be measured. Helps classify objects such as size, texture, and shape.

Feature extraction A step in the pattern recognition process in which the relevant metrics for an object are calculated.

Feature Selection feature selection is a step in the development of a pattern recognition system. The aim is to study whether quality or observation can be used to assign objects to certain categories.

Feature space See the metric space.

Fourier transform Fourier transform uses a complex exponential as a linear transformation of the kernel function.

Geometric correction An image restoration technique that uses geometric transformation to eliminate geometric distortion.

Gray level Grayscale (1) A value associated with a pixel of a digital image that represents the brightness of the original scene point of the pixel; (2) a digitized measure of the local nature of the image at a pixel location.

Gray scale A collection of all possible gray levels in a digital image.

Gray-scale transformation A function in point operations that establishes the relationship between input gray levels and corresponding output gray levels.

Hankel transform Hankel transform.

Harmonic signal A complex signal that combines the real part of the cosine with the sinusoidal imaginary part of the same frequency.

The Hermite function Hermite function has a complex value function of the even real part and the odd virtual part.

High-pass filtering High-pass filtered image enhancement (usually convolution) operations that improve the high-frequency portion relative to the low-frequency portion.

Hole A connected background point in a binary image that is completely surrounded by points within the object.

Image A unified representation of an image to a physical scene or other image is called an image.

Image Compression Any process that eliminates image redundancy or approximation of an image, with the goal of representing the image in a more compact form.

Image cording transforms an image into another recoverable form (such as compression).

Image enhancement Image enhancement is designed to improve the visual appearance of an image.

Image matching Image matching is the process of determining the similarity of two images to quantify them.

Image-processing operation A series of steps in an image processing operation that transforms an input image into an output image.

Image reconstruction The process of reconstructing or restoring an image from a non-image form.

Image registration The process of aligning an object in the scene with another image of the same scene to align the objects therein.

Image restoration The process of restoring an image to its original state by the process of inverse image degradation.

Image segmentation (1) detecting and sketching the object of interest in the image; (2) dividing the image into unconnected regions. Usually these areas correspond to the object and the background in which the object is located.

The pixel inside the interior pixel is a pixel inside the object (relative to the boundary pixel and the outer pixel) in a binary image.

Interpolation Interpolation The process of determining the sampling function between sample points is called interpolation.

The Kernel kernel sees the convolution kernel.

Line detection An image segmentation technique that identifies linear pixels by examining neighborhoods.

Line pixel A line pixel is a pixel on an arc that approximates a line.

Local operation The local operation determines the image processing operation of the pixel output gray based on the pixel gray level of one neighborhood of the input pixel, and the neighborhood operation (contrast: point operation).

Local property A property of interest that varies with position in the image (eg, brightness or color of an optical image; non-optical image height, temperature, density, etc.).

Lossness image compression Any image compression technique that allows full reconstruction of the original image.

Lossy image compression Any image compression technique that does not accurately reconstruct the original image because it contains an approximation.

Matched filtering Matching filter uses a matched filter to detect the presence of a particular object in the image and its amount.

Measurement space The metric space contains the n-dimensional vector space of all possible metric vectors in pattern recognition.

Misclassification In pattern recognition, an object is mistaken for a different category.

Multi-spectral image A set of images of the same scene, each of which is generated by radiation from different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Neighborhood A neighborhood of a set of pixels near a given pixel.

Neighborhood operation See local operation (contrast: point operation).

Noise An uncorrelated part of an image that blocks the identification and interpretation of data of interest.

Noise reduction Noise suppression reduces any processing of noise in an image.

Object A collection of connected pixels in a binary image, usually corresponding to an object in the scene represented by the image.

Optical image The result of an optical image projecting light from a scene onto a surface through optics such as a lens.

Pattern Pattern A shared, meaningful regularity exhibited by members of a class that can be measured and used to classify objects of interest.

The Pattern class can be pre-assigned to any class that is not inclusive of an object.

Pattern classification A process of assigning objects to a pattern class.

Pattern recognition Pattern recognition automatically, semi-automatically detects, measures, and classifies objects in an image.

Pel Abbreviation for pixel element.

Perimeter perimeter is the perimeter distance around the boundary of an object.

Picture element The smallest unit of a pixel digital image. The basic building block of a digital image.

Pixel Acronym for Pixel Picture Element.

The Point operation point operation only determines the image processing operation of the pixel output gray value based on the input gray value of the corresponding pixel (contrast: neighborhood operation).

Quantitative image analysis The process of extracting quantitative data from a digital image.

Quantization quantizes the process of assigning local features of an image to elements in a grayscale set at each pixel.

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