555 integrated wiper changed to AC erase circuit

Car Audio Crystal 3.2*2.5mm 3225 24M (24.000MHZ) 20PF 10PPM 20PPM 30PPM
Probe current voltage pin 420*4450 head diameter 5.0 over current current and voltage pin
GW MB10F 0.8A 1000V rectifier bridge
One-piece inductor
The 555 circuit, which contains two voltage comparators, a basic RS flip-flop, and a discharge switch T, the comparator's reference voltage is provided by a voltage divider consisting of three 5K resistors. They respectively make the non-inverting input of the high-level comparator A1 and the inverting of the low-level comparator A2, and the reference levels of the input terminals are 2/3VCC and 1/3VCC. The outputs of the A2 and A2 control the RS flip-flop state and Discharge tube switch status. When the input signal is from the 6 pin, that is, the high level triggers the input and exceeds the reference level 2/3VCC, the flip-flop resets, the output of the 555 pin 3 outputs a low level, and the discharge switch tube is turned on; when the input signal is from 2 The input of the pin is lower than 1/3VCC, the trigger is reset, the 3 pin of 555 outputs high level, and the discharge switch tube is cut off. RD is the reset terminal (4 pins). When RD=0, 555 outputs a low level. Usually the RD end is open or connected to VCC.

555 integrated wiper changed to AC erase circuit
DC wipe changed to AC erase circuit diagram

Photovoltaic Solar Panel

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